HFA has worked with the City of Hoboken, Red Bulls, Special Olympics and iCanBike to create a roster of spring and summer offerings for childr
en with special needs. The programs are open to Hoboken and non-Hoboken residents and provide a mix of free and fee-based programs. Register today using the links below.
If you have any questions please email:specialneeds@nullhobokenfamily.org

If you have any questions please email:specialneeds@nullhobokenfamily.org
Spring Fitness Program
Sprint Fitness is a multi-activity fitness program running on Saturday mornings at 8 AM starting on March 14 at the Jackson Street Gym
Sprint Fitness is a multi-activity fitness program running on Saturday mornings at 8 AM starting on March 14 at the Jackson Street Gym
Special Needs Baseball Clinic
Baseball will run on Mondays at 3:30 starting on March 30
Red Bulls
Fridays 6-7pm at 1600 field with Tarek, beginning April 3rd and finishing on June 12th. Please register at the following link: https://www. rbnytraining.com/user-pages/ public/camps/select-session. asp?CAMP_ID=5258&TKN= 2EA4C09541564BD0
Hoboken Bike Camp for individuals 8 and older, free for Hoboken residents; $200 for non residents
Mon-Friday 8:30 AM - 5 PM at Hoboken High School (800 Clinton St) June 29 - July 3. Rider Registration
https://forms.gle/ y8zWMcKPTKZDzLKV6