Q&A with Parents of Public School Children & Hoboken Board of Education Members

Thank you to everyone who RSVP'd for this Q&A.  We appreciate the good response.  One parent has graciously volunteered to hold the Q&A in their home. Due to the change in venue and space limitations, we regret that we are unable to take any more RSVPs.  If you are still interested in attending and have not RSVP'd, please e-mail Hobokenwomenforchange@nullgmail.com
Based on further responses and interest, we may schedule another Q&A.  Thank you again for your interest and support.

Are you confused on where to send your child to kindergarten when the time comes? Have the charter school lotteries got you down? Do you have questions about the Hoboken Public School system? Well, you are not alone.

Hoboken is a growing community, and more and more families are considering the option of sending their children to our public schools. If you have young children and have questions, or if you simply want to learn more about our local public school system, this is the perfect platform for you.

Please join us for a special, parent-hosted Q&A session with members of the Hoboken Board of Education and parents of children who have attended, or are attending, all three of Hoboken's public elementary schools: Wallace, Calabro and Connors. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Saturday February 12th
9:30am - 11:30am
Monroe Cafe
302 Monroe Street, Hoboken

Board of Education members attending will be:

Theresa Minutillo
Irene Sobolov
Jean Marie Mitchell
Free play and organized activities will be provided for children

Hosted by:
Stacy Mello & Bindya Bhalla

This event is organized by Hoboken Women for Change, a community-based organization in Hoboken comprised of women who believe in advancing the community's interests. Please RSVP to Hobokenwomenforchange@nullgmail.com