Open House Math Class

SYMPOSIA BOOKSTORE, 5th and Washington
5 – 9 years old

SATURDAY, February 27, 2010

The first 30-45 minutes will be a sample class followed by 15 minutes informational session for parents. The class is intended to give personal attention to a child’ needs so that she or he can have better learning experience in mathematics. Some children love math and need more challenge in it; some children struggle with math and needs some encouragement with it; this class is intended to cater both aspects. The class will reflect my personality as a teacher, who loves conversations, jokes, and thorough explanations.

RSVP is appreciated; please contact: Chandra Budi, PhD

Curriculum and Registration Form is also available at Symposia Bookstore.

We will approach mathematics in a way that is serious, yet fun; we will combine traditional and progressive approach to it knowing that mathematics is not just numbers; rather it is about the order of thoughts and events, which require logic, in a daily basis.

My goal is for your child to understand mathematics so that they will be able to have fun in learning. By understanding the basic foundation of a subject matter, a child can have the necessary tools for the next levels to come.

Mathematics Weekend Class (Every Sundays):
(Maximum enrollment is 10 children/class for each term)
9.30am - 10.15am Beginner (5-6 years old)
10.30am - 11.15am Advanced (7-9 years old)

Introduction to basic numbers and putting them in order from 1 through 100, basic and intermediate patterns, matching, measuring, basic additions and subtractions, simple word problems, writing numbers.
Learning advanced patterns, order of objects, word problems, advanced additions and subtractions, basic multiplication and beginning division, time, calendar, geometry, place value, etc.

Fee: (Non-refundable and Paid in advance)
Individual Session costs $20. Special fees for package of 5 and 10 sessions are available upon inquiry. There will be a maximum of two make up sessions allowed for a particular term (valid for 5-sessions and 10-sessions package only).

Homework maybe assigned from time to time to reinforce the lesson at home. Progress report will be provided had the parents request it. Parents can either drop off or observe the session; had parents chose to observe the session, we kindly ask you to turn off your cell phone or put it on vibrate and (or) to refrain from holding loud conversation.

About Myself:
I have my doctorate in early childhood education and family studies from Teachers College, Columbia U. and have been teaching in early childhood setting for 15 years. I am also the owner and teacher of a small (6 children), individualized, local home care for young children who are specializing in integrating emotional and cognitive based curriculum; the 4 years old in the program are able to read and write well, our 3 years old have learned to write alphabets, and we also incorporate yoga, music, dance with our curriculum, emphasizing healthy emotional development using active discipline method.