Hoboken Youth Soccer League 2010 Registration is open!

This program is available to all Hoboken residents (and non-residents who attend a Hoboken school) on a first-come, first-serve basis with preference given to Hoboken residents.

Your child must be FIVE years old by July 31, 2010 to be able to play. These are national youth soccer guidelines, not just a city policy.

This year each player will be charged a $25 registration fee ($35 fee for non-residents). Times are tough financially, and the city can no longer offer all these programs for free.


Volunteers Needed:
HOBOKEN YOUTH SOCCER IS LOOKING FOR 2 VOLUNTEERS TO RUN THE INSTRUCTIONAL DIVISION ages 5 & 6 year olds. Need A Director and Assistant Director. Inquiries please send an email to email@nullhobokenyouthsoccer.com.