Hoboken Museum Family Fun Day, Today!

Fall Family Fun Day Promises Something for Every Member of the Family: Sept. 22
Hoboken Historical Museum | 1301 Hudson St

Today, Sept. 22, from noon to 4 p.m., come out and meet your neighbors at our Fall Family Fun Day at the Museum. Education Curator Razel Solow is planning a fun-packed day of hands-on activities for kids and their parents in our fall annual event, which is free, thanks to support from our Family Sponsor, Macy's.

Award-winning juggler Michael Karas will captivate kids and adults alike in two half-hour shows inside the Museum, at 1 pm and 1:40 pm. Click on his name to see a short video of his performances.

Other activities include:

Make your own boat. Kids will can make their own boat with a minimum of materials (e.g., corks, rubber bands) and test their handiwork in a tub of water. Sailboats, too!

Wearable Art: Two options: At a sand art table, kids can use funnels and colored sand to pour into small containers you can wear around your neck. Or make your own wristbands with pipe cleaners and colorful straws.

Update Hoboken Kids' Map - Write about and illustrate your favorite places in Hoboken.

Fish making - Go wild with construction paper, glue sticks, pom poms, googly eyes, etc.

Learn and play vintage games - including the egg-and-spoon race, beanbag toss, paddle balls, hula hoops, etc.