Free Movies for Kids at Clearview Cinema in Hoboken

Clearview Cinema’s have announced free movies for kids on Wednesday’s and Thursday’s for the months of July and August. The Hoboken Clearview Cinema located on the corner of 14th and Grand is taking part in this special promotion. The movies begin at 10:30am and they suggest you arrive early as you will be seated on a first come basis. Check out the schedule and enjoy! If you have any questions contact Hoboken Cinema at 201-710-5581.

June 30 and July 1- Shorts
July 7 and July 8- Hotel for Dogs
July 14 and July 15- Fly Me to the Moon
July 21 and July 22- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
July 28 and July 29- Ice Age 3
August 4 and August 5- Monsters Vs. Aliens
August 11 and August 12- Astroboy
August 18 and August 19- Aliens in the Attic