Sponsor & Advertise with HFA


The Hoboken Family Alliance is registered 501 (3)(c) not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support families and our local community through philanthropy, civic initiatives, special needs programs, parenting events and educational support. With your efforts, the HFA distributed nearly $500,000 to the community through grants, college scholarships and financial donations over the past 10 years. Thank you for supporting the HFA.



What is the difference?
An Annual Supporter will be on our SPONSOR page at www.hobokenfamily.com and in our e-newsletter for one year. You will be included on PROMO materials for our All-Schools Open House Event in October, our Winter Holiday Party in December, our Community Supported Yearly Grants in February and our High School Annual Scholarship Fund in May.

An Event Sponsor chooses one or more HFA events to sponsor. You will receive the same benefits as the ANNUAL Supporter PLUS listing on event materials.


Package #1 - $700/year

  • Listing at/on event materials of All Schools Open House,
    Cabin Fever (summer school handout) and Holiday Party
  • Featured in e-Newsletter Display (2 x 3 1/2 inches)
  • 12 months of Website Display (2 x 3 1/2 inches)
  • Additional $200 gets you prominent placement in the newsletter $900/year total)

Package #2 - $500/year

  • Featured in e-Newsletter Display (2 x 3 1/2 inches)
  • 12 months of Website Display (2 x 3 1/2 inches)
  • For an additional $200 get one flyer insert  $700/year

Other Options

  • Website Display Only (2 x 3 1/2 inches)  $400/year
  • Flyer Insert Only (digital copy needed)  $300/issue

Customized advertising plans available. Yearly advertisers can upgrade to include an event.
Material Due by the 10th of each month. Please note that we cannot accept photographs or intricate graphics.
Preferred Electronic File Formats:
Newsletter and Website Ad - .tiff or .jpeg (3.5 x 2 in. landscape orientation)
Flyer Insert - PDF (8.5 x 11)


Platinum Event Sponsor $2,500
Logo & Top Billing                                                                                   

  • Choice of: All Schools Open House (Oct.), Mutz Fest (Jan), Cabin Fever (Feb), Egg Hunt & Spring Festival (April), Hoboken Bike Camp (July)
  • Listed as Sponsor on all event materials for chosen event – posters, dedicated emails, social media placement, website display, newsletter & event signage
  • Company material distributed to all participants at entrance
  • Choice of a table location at the event
  • Hoboken Family Alliance Homepage ad (120x600 pixels) during Event Media
  • 12 months of Website Display (2 x 3 1/2 inches)

Gold Event Sponsor $1000                                                                                   

  • Choice of: All Schools Open House (Oct.), Mutz Fest (Jan), Cabin Fever (Feb), Spring Festival (April), Hoboken Bike Camp (July)
  • Your company name will be listed as a corporate sponsor on event signage
  • Choice of a table location at the event
  • 12 months of Website Display on our Sponsor Page (2 x 3 1/2 inches)

Silver Event Sponsor - $500                                                                                    

  • Choice of: All Schools Open House (Oct.), Mutz Fest (Jan), Cabin Fever (Feb), Spring Festival (April), Lincoln Tunnel Challenge Race (April), Hoboken Bike Camp (July)
  • Your company name will be listed as a corporate sponsor on event materials
  • 12 months of Website Display on our Sponsor Page (2 x 3 1/2 inches)
Bronze Event Sponsor$250
  • Choice of: All Schools Open House (Oct.), Mutz Fest (Jan), Cabin Fever (Feb), Spring Festival (April), Lincoln Tunnel Challenge Race (April), Hoboken Bike Camp (July)
  • Your company name will be listed as a corporate sponsor on event materials

Customized advertising plans available to include Yearly Supporter with Event Sponsor.

DOWNLOAD 2019 HFA Ad Rate Card

Ad Spec's:

E-Newsletter & Web Ad:
Size: The size should be the size of a business card, which is 3 1/2 x 2 inches, at 72 dpi. or 252 pixels wide by 144 pixels high (at 72 dpi) The most common digital formats that we accept are TIFF, PNG, EPS, PDF or JPEG.

Vector Art (EPS, PDF) can be supplied in Illustrator, In Design, or Photoshop. If you are submitting vector art, please include any special fonts that you might be using, or convert all type to outlines. We will also accept other formats if necessary, like Word etc if we are able to open and work with it.

E-Newsletter Insert Flyer:
Standard letter-size page: 8 1/2 x 11 at 72 dpi Send files to: web@nullhobokenfamily.org

To become a sponsor contact advertising@nullhobokenfamily.org

DOWNLOAD 2019 HFA Ad Rate Card