A Whole New World Academy of Hoboken
Address: 721 Washington Street
Phone: 201-792-0253
Website: www.awnwa.com
Director: Dana Brisbane
Admissions Contact: 201-792-0253
Ages/Grades: Age 6 weeks - PreK4
We also provide Summer Camp and Aftercare
Hours are from 7 am until 7 pm
Adventures in Learning Daycare I & II and Bright Beginnings Early Learning Center
Address for AIL I: 1320 Adams Street
Address for AIL II: 50 Harrison Street
Address for BBELC: 659 1st Street
Phone: 201-222-3560 (AIL I)/201-683-8411 (AIL II)/201-222-9004 (BBELC)
Website: www.adventuresinlearningnj.com
Director: Diana Sanchez (AIL I)/ Jocelyn Padilla (AIL II & BBELC)
Admissions Contact: submit inquiries and applications via website
Ages/Grades: Age 8 weeks - Age 5 years
Apple Montessori Schools
Address: 1055 Maxwell Lane and 221 River Street (opening January 2016)
Phone: 201-963-4949
Website: www.applemontessorischools.com
Director: Michelle Caroli (Maxwell) / Valerie Kolibas (River Street)
Admissions Contact: Hoboken@nullapplemontessorischools.com
Ages/Grades: Age 6 weeks - Age 6 years
Bright Horizons Early Education and Preschool
Addresses: 1102 Maxwell Lane and 1155 Maxwell Lane
Phone: 201-479-5300 (1102 Maxwell) / 201-420-6039 (1155 Maxwell)
Websites: www.brighthorizons.com/1102maxwell and www.brighthorizons.com/maxwellplace
Directors: Lisa Liguroi (1102 Maxwell) / Brianne Hrynyk (1155 Maxwell)
Admissions Contact: submit inquiries and applications via website
Ages/Grades: Age 6 weeks - Age 6
Hoboken Children's Academy
Addresses: 501 Willow Avenue and 1131 Washington Street
Phone: 201-656-5700
Website: www.hobokenca.com
Director: Reshma Patel
Admissions Contact: enrollment@nullhobokenca.com
Ages/Grades: Age 6 weeks - end of August following child's 3rd birthday
Hoboken Daycare 100
Address: 124 Grand Street
Phone: 201-792-4666
Website: www.hobokendaycare.org
Director: Judy Messina
Admissions Contact: submit inquiries and applications via website
Ages/Grades: Age 6 weeks - Age 5 years
Hoboken Little School
Address: 1 Newark Street
Phone: 201-798-5437
Website: www.hobokenlittleschool.com
Director: Kristie Pasculli
Admissions Contact: submit inquiries and applications via website
Ages/Grades: Age 6 weeks - Age 4 years
HOPES Cap, Inc.
Address: Head Start Program is located at 619 Jefferson Street
Phone: 855-OK-HOPES
Website: www.hopes.org
Director: Janet Cortes
Admissions Contact: Janet Cortes, jcortes@nullhopes.org
Ages/Grades: Age 6 weeks - Age 3 years (based on income eligibility)
HOPES Cap, Inc. is also a private provider for the Hoboken Early Childhood Program, with PreK3 & PreK4 classrooms at Rue, Brandt and Connor sites. See Hoboken Schools page for more details.
Kiddie Academy of Hoboken
Address: 112 Sinatra Drive
Phone: 201-984-9332
Website: www.educationaldaycare.kiddieacademy.com
Director: Jenelle Tuttle
Admissions Contact: Hoboken@nullkiddieacademy.net
Ages/Grades: Age 6 weeks - Kindergarten
Kidville Daycare
Addresses: 1202 Shipyard Lane, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Phone: 201-377-5495
Websites: www.kidville.com/hoboken
Director: Evelyn Chan
Admissions Contact: programdirector@nullmykidville.com
Ages/Grades: Age 6 weeks - Age 4
Kidz City Daycare and Learning Center
Address: 834 Washington Street
Phone: 201-792-8895
Website: www.kidzcitydaycare.com
Director: Paula Lopez
Admissions Contact: info@nullkidzcitydaycare.com
Ages/Grades: Ages 6 weeks - Preschool age
Mile Square Early Learning Center
Address: 301 Garden Street
Phone: 201-659-6086
Website: www.mselc1979.org
Director: Madelyn Bautista
Admissions Contact: submit inquiries and applications via website
Ages/Grades: Age 3 months - Age 3 years
Mile Square Early Learning Center is also a private provider for the Hoboken Early Childhood Program, with PreK3 & PreK4 classrooms at Rue, Demarest, St. Francis and Wallace sites. See Hoboken Schools page for more details.
Primetime Early Learning Centers
Address: 410 Hudson Street
Phone: 201-420-7644
Website: www.primetimeschools.com
Director: Viro Goonetilleke
Admissions Contact: submit inquiries and applications via website
Ages/Grades: Ages 6 weeks - PreK4
Smart Start Academy
Address: 552 9th Street
Phone: 201-461-6363
Website: www.smart-startacademy.com
Director: Maria Parri
Admissions Contact: submit inquiries and applications via website
Ages/Grades: Age 6 weeks - Preschool
Step by Step
Address: 720 Monroe Street, Suite C-107
Phone: 201-653-5344
Website: www.stepbystepecd.com
Director: Josephine Karen Howell
Admissions Contact: info@nullstepbystepecd.com
Ages/Grades: Age 6 weeks - Age 3 years
The Learning Experience Academy of Early Education
Address: 900 Monroe Street
Phone: 201-857-8377
Website: www.hoboken.tlechildcare.com
Director: Rich Evangelista
Admissions Contact: 201-857-8377
Ages/Grades – Age 6 weeks – Kindergarten
World of Wonder
Address: 133 Harrison Street and 401 Jackson Street (99 Monitor Street, Jersey City coming this winter 25/26)
Phone: 201-216-0890
Website: www.worldofwondercenter.com
Director: Maida Berrios & Bruna Rodriguez
Admissions Contact: office@nullworldofwondercenter.com
Ages/Grades: Age 8 weeks - Age 3.5 years
The HFA website contains listings from various providers that should not be considered recommendations. All information is deemed accurate, but is subject to change. HFA assumes no liability for posting information. Families are encouraged to do their due diligence before selecting any of the providers listed.