MiMi Kids 2 Hour Drop-Off Class

MiMi Kids Yoga will begin it's Spring Semester of our 2 Hour Drop-Off

(ages 2-3 1/2)

In this class kids are given a chance to learn yoga on their own. No mommies allowed! Take a trip to the zoo, a hike through the jungle or feed the animals on the farm; the possibilities are endless as we foster your child’s creativity through yoga.  This 2 hour class will include yoga, a healthy snack and story time in English/Spanish, arts and crafts and end with breathing exercises and yummy smelling foot rubs to relax and center your child. Class is limited to 8 - 10 kid and is taught by two certified children yoga instructors and one assistant to ensure each child is given personalized attention. This class is a great way to get your little one ready for Preschool.

This 8 week session is only $288, and spaces are limited.

Go to www.mimikidsyoga.com to register for your free trial class.