Mile Square Theatre

MST Vacation Weeklong: Annie the Musical

March 28 – April 1, 2016

The sun will come out when you drop your kids off and head to work. At the end of the week, your musical theater star will put on a fully realized production of a short version of Annie the Musical for family and friends. Each day students will have classes in Theater Games, Art, Voice, Acting and Dance with trained professionals. There will be opportunities to work on costumes, set pieces and programs. For older students, grades 6-8, there will be stage combat and stage makeup classes. Organized games and snack time are part of each day.

Students bring their own snack, lunch and dance shoes.

Classes will take place in sub-groups divided by age and grade.
All participants will come together for rehearsals and performance of Annie.

Age groups (subject to change based on enrollment)
Grades K–2
Grades 3–5
Grades 6–8

*Before- and After-Care available at additional cost.

For more information:, 646.339.8485
Session: $330
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