Discounts on Creative Groove Studio Classes

The Creative Groove Studio is 4 years old!

We're celebrating by offering HUGE discounts on classes - save up to 40%.
Go to for all of the details and to buy your prepaid package of classes online.

We're offering a number of pre-paid packages. When you make a payment, that payment will be added to your account with us.
As you register for classes (for our Summer session and beyond), that balance will be used to pay for classes. You can use the pre-paid classes for any number of siblings.

All payments must be made by midnight on May 14th.

We have a money-back guarantee on any payment made to us. If you choose to no longer take classes at Creative Groove Studio for any reason (such as you leave Hoboken or the classes are no longer a good fit for your child), we will refund the unused portion of your payment to you. However, if you have taken some classes with us prior to requesting a refund, those classes will be charged at their regular rate and not with a discount. We will return the balance of your payment as if you had paid full-price for the classes already taken.

You can purchase the pre-paid packages online at:
With my heartfelt thanks to all the families who have supported the Studio for the past four years.,

Creative Groove Studio
1200 Park Avenue