Children’s Backpack Safety Day

Join us for Children's Backpack Safety Day at Hoboken Chiropractic + Wellness on Wednesday, September 26 from 3-6 PM!

Does your child's backpack seem to get heavier with each new school year?

Research has shown an increasing number of reports of back pain in children, which is believed to be due - at least in part - to the improper use of backpacks. The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that 4,928 emergency room visits each year result from injuries related to book bags and back carriers!

Stop by on September 26 and receive a free evaluation and advice on how your child can safely carry his or her backpack and remain pain and injury free. Tips will include: the right type of backpack for your individual child, and how to best load, carry, wear and lift the backpack.

It is my goal to ensure the safety, health, vitality, and future wellbeing of your children through early prevention. I look forward to seeing you and your family on September 26!

Dr. Laura Brayton